Media Toolkit

Here is where you will find our latest press releases, campaign graphics, and sample social media posts. Check back often for the latest resources and tools.

#StandwithBach and all climate defenders!

June 24th, 2024 marks the third anniversary of the wrongful arrest and imprisonment of environmental lawyer and climate justice advocate, Dang Dinh Bach. Join us on June 24th as we launch a global letter writing campaign to express solidarity with Bach. We urge you to join the campaign and send him a letter. You can do this on June 24th or during the days and weeks that follow.

  • Today’s United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention opinion directs the Vietnamese government to release Bach immediately and issue reparations,” said Kate Holcombe, Managing Attorney of the Defending Defenders Program at Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW). “The Working Group took a hard look at Bach’s case and found that his arrest has no legal basis and violates his fundamental rights to freedom of expression and association. It also found that his right to a fair trial was violated and that he is being discriminated against for his environmental activism.

  • “Bach is a climate champion and should not be punished for his participation in Vietnam’s clean energy transition,” said Meena Jagannath, Coordinator of the Global Network of Movement Lawyers at Movement Law Lab, of which Bach’s organization was a part before being forced to shut down. “It’s crucial for human rights lawyers and environmental defenders to stand up worldwide for our colleague in Vietnam. This kind of solidarity is vitally important for the future of the region and the planet.”

    “A just energy transition cannot be successful with people like Bach in jail,” said Maureen Harris, Senior Advisory from International Rivers. “The result of such a repressive environment is that civil society is effectively excluded from negotiating spaces and deliberations around energy transition partnerships, programs, and projects, even as they proclaim to be ‘just’.”

Sample Social Media Posts

Please feel free to cut, paste and share any of the posts below.

  • Apple Urged to Address #Climate Justice Concerns in #Vietnam by 60+ International Organizations  #apple #StandwithBach #FreeHong

  • Did you know #Vietnam is imprisoning #climatechange advocates? It’s a vital production hub for #Apple & 60+ international orgs are urging them to speak up & fulfill their commitment to #HumanRights & just climate solutions. #StandwithBach #FreeHong

  • More than 60 international #HumanRights & #climate orgs, including @350, @Global_Witness, and @StandEarth are demanding that #Apple address the persecution of climate leaders in #Vietnam - one of their primary manufacturing partners. #StandwithBach #FreeHong

  • A #JustEnergyTransition cannot happen if #Climate leaders are in jail. #StandUp4HumanRights #StandwithBach #FreeClimateLeaders

  • Join by posting a solidarity photo or video message calling for Bach’s release:

  • The UN #HumanRights Council WG on Arbitrary Detention found the imprisonment of environmental lawyer Dang Dinh Bach is a “violation of international law” and called for his “Immediate and Unconditional Release” #StandwithBach #FreeClimateLeaders

Campaign Graphics

Text: Free Vietnam's Climate Prisoners #standwithbach #freehong side by side images of Bach holding a microphone giving a presentation and Hong smiling in front of green foliage
Full colour compilation of people around the world holding handmade signs that say Free Bach and Stand with Bach

Images of Bach
